Finds of Hispanian coins on the eastern Adriatic coast and its hinterland


Rad tematizira nalaze hispanskoga novca iz predcarskog razdoblja s područja istočne jadranske obale i njezina dubljeg zaleđa. Ta numizmatička građa otkrivena je pojedinačno i u sklopu ostava tzv. mazinskoga tipa. Poznato je 28 komada, od kojih većina do sada nije bila publicirana. Najviše ih je kovano u Kastuloni. S tri primjerka zastupljen je novac Obulkone. Slijede još pojedinačni nalazi iz tri hispanska grada. To su: Emporiae, Kelse i Sekobirikes. Ta regionalna numizmatička građa podrijetlom iz zapadnoga Sredozemlja otkrivena je kao izolirana pojava na 15 lokaliteta, i to uglavnom u Japodiji i Liburniji. Iz srednje Dalmacije potječe samo jedan primjerak. Nađen je u arheološkim istraživanjima na području Resnika nedaleko od Splita.This paper deals with the finds of Hispanian coins of the pre-imperial period from the territory of the eastern Adriatic coast and its deeper hinterland. These numismatic materials were discovered individually and as parts of so-called Mazin-type hoards. A total of 28 specimens are known, of which most have thus far not been published. Most were minted in Castulo. Three are Obulco coins. They are followed by finds from three Hispanian cities. These are: Emporiae, Kelse and Sekobirikes. These regional numismatic materials originally from the western Mediterranean were found at 15 different sites as an isolated phenomenon, generally in Iapodia and Liburnia. Only a single example came from central Dalmatia. It was found during archaeological excavations in the territory of Resnik, near Split

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