Evidence-based effectiveness of constraint-induced movement therapy in the rehabilitation of people with physical disabilities


Rehabilitacija osoba s motoričkim poremećajima zahtijeva stalni napredak u razvijanju metoda koje će tim osobama omogućiti što veće osamostaljivanje u svakodnevnim aktivnostima te na taj način dovesti do unaprjeđenja kvalitete njihovog života. Terapija prisilno induciranog pokreta (CIMT) pristup je u rehabilitaciji koji uključuje ograničavanje pokreta neoštećenog gornjeg ekstremiteta te primjenu funkcionalnih vježbi s oštećenim ekstremitetom, čime se smanjuje motorički deficit i povećava funkcionalna neovisnost osobe. U ovom radu nastojala se istražiti učinkovitost metode prisilno induciranog pokreta kod osoba s motoričkim poremećajima. Pokazalo se kako postoji znanstvena utemeljenost učinkovitosti terapije prisilno induciranog pokreta kod osoba s motoričkim poremećajima.The rehabilitation of people with physical disabilities requires continued progress in the development of methods that will give such persons greater independence in daily activities and thus lead to improving the quality of their lives. Constraint-induced movement therapy is a rehabilitation approach that includes physical restraining of the unimpaired upper extremity while performing intensive functional exercises with the impaired extremity in order to decrease motor deficits and increase the person’s functional independence. This work presents the effectiveness of this method in the rehabilitation of people with physical disabilities. The results indicate that there is a scientific foundation for the effectiveness of constraint-induced movement therapy in the area of physical disabilities

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