
KMT-2016-BLG-1836Lb: A Super-Jovian Planet from a High-cadence Microlensing Field


We report the discovery of a super-Jovian planet in the microlensing event KMT-2016-BLG-1836, which was found by the Korea Microlensing Telescope Network (KMTNet) high-cadence observations (Γ ~ 4 hr^⁻¹). The planet–host mass ratio q ~ 0.004. A Bayesian analysis indicates that the planetary system is composed of a super-Jovian M_(planet) = 2.2^(+1.9)_(-1.1)M_J planet orbiting an M or K dwarf, M_(host) = 0.49^(+0.38)_(-0.25) M_⊙, at a distance of D_L = 7.1^(+0.8)_(-2.4) kpc. The projected planet–host separation is 3.5^(+1.1)_(-0.9) au, implying that the planet is located beyond the snow line of the host star. Future high-resolution images can potentially strongly constrain the lens brightness and thus the mass and distance of the planetary system. Without considering detailed detection efficiency, selection, or publication biases, we find a potential mass-ratio desert at −3.7 ≾ log q ≾ −3.0 for the 31 published KMTNet planets

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