
Effects of mixing design styles on the synthesis of RTL components


By mixing design styles during synthesis of RTL components such as adders, multipliers, and ALUs, it is possible to generate a range of designs from small to fast, where intermediate designs make favorable and possibly desirable tradeoffs between area and delay. Although module generators can be written to reflect design styles that reduce either area or delay, the current approach to generator execution does not examine the effects of mixing different design styles. We have developed an approach to RTL component synthesis that searches the space of design alternatives, and we have implemented this approach with the DTAS Design Language. The significance of our approach is that it allows DTAS to generate designs use a combination of design styles and to compare the effects of mixing styles. In this paper, we outline the operation of DTAS and describe how DTAS expands and constrains the design space. We present results from applying DTAS to large RTL components using an MCNC benchmark library. We also present results of integrating DTAS with the MISII logic optimizer

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