
The Halo Model of Large Scale Structure for Warm Dark Matter


We present a comprehensive analysis of the halo model of cosmological large to small-scale structure statistics in the case of warm dark matter (WDM) structure formation scenarios. We include the effects of WDM on the linear matter power spectrum, halo density profile, halo concentration relation, halo mass function, subhalo density profile, subhalo mass function and biasing of the smooth dark matter component. As expected, we find large differences at the smallest physical scales in the nonlinear matter power spectrum predicted in the halo model between WDM and cold dark matter even for reasonably high-scale WDM particle masses. We find that significant effects are contributed from the alteration of the halo density profile and concentration, as well as the halo mass function. We further find that the effects of WDM on the subhalo population are important but sub-dominant. Clustering effects of the biasing of the smooth component in WDM is not largely significant.Comment: 15 pages, 21 figures; submitted to Phys. Rev.

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