Gender and reproductive health services: Putting gender perspective into practice


Promoting gender equity is widely acknowledged as important for improving reproductive health (RH) programs, as gender shapes all aspects of RH service delivery. Thus promoting gender equity—fairness and justice in responsibilities and access to benefits for women, men, girls, and boys—is a major goal for RH programs. But how can programs operationalize the concept of gender perspective when delivering family planning (FP) and other RH services? What impact does this have on use and effectiveness? FRONTIERS projects have improved understanding of the impact of gender issues on RH and have helped identify effective actions for incorporating gender perspective into services. This paper covers evidence-based measures for approaching gender equity by incorporating gender into services, engaging men in safeguarding reproductive health, and addressing gender-based violence. This is one of eight Legacy Papers synthesizing major lessons learned in research conducted under the FRONTIERS in Reproductive Health Program. The full set of Legacy Papers includes: Capacity Building, Family Planning, Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting, Gender, Integration of Services, Sustainability of Services, Utilization of Research Findings, and Youth Reproductive Health

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