
Now a days, it is seems that several patients are suffering from different types of disorders of Mutravaha Srotas. So, each physician should know the details like nidana (etiological factor), samprapti (pathogenesis), lakshanas(symptoms), sadhyaa-sadhyata (prognosis), updrava(complication), chikitsa (management) of disorders. Mutrakrucha  is one of the important disease of mutravaha srotas. The word †MUTRAKRUCHA †means dysuria is a symptom of pain , discomfort ,or burning when urinating. Cause due to infection  can occure in any part of urinary tract including kidney ,ureter , bladder, urethra. burning micturation is an cardinal features.Exercises, strong potential drugs, excessive indulgence of row alcohol, Ingestionof flesh of wet landed animals & fishes, Eating again before digestion of previous food & indigestion. This factors causes dushti of mutravaha srotas are also may be considered as nidana of Mutrakrucha. Due to this causative factors the doshas get aggravated.  Mutrakrichha, the vitiated Pitta Dosha along with Vata (mainly Apana Vayu) on reaching Vasti (bladder) afflicts the Mutravaha Srotas due to which the patient feels difficulty in micturition along with symptoms like Peeta mutrata, Sarakta mutrata, Sadaha mutrata, Saruja mutrata and Muhur-muhur mutrata. The above mentioned symptomatology has close resemblance with urinary tract infections. up with urine & hence painful urination is accompanied by changes in urine flow such as dribbling , difficulty intiating flow , increased frequency or need to  urinate . Here due to influence over apana vata cited at Basti pradeha(Bladder)the pathology continues & painful urination  is caused. here. Shatkriyakala explains the pathogenesis of a disease in stages right from the incubation period to complete manifestation & later consequences of disease. Hence, I am  review this , mentioned Shatkriyakala of Mutrakrucha  which should be important to managed in early stage (sanchay avastha) and to prevent further complication

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