Disrupting Business as Usual: Considering Teaching Methods in Business Law Classrooms


The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC)’s Calls to Action propose signimcant changes to legal education. No law school classroom is exempt, including business law courses. We are two of a growing number ofscholars in the legal academy actively incorporating Indigenous laws, critical race theory and socio-economic perspectives into business law courses as part of our responses to the TRC. This paper explores a field school we developed at Windsor Law as a response to the Calls to Action. In a temporary fusion of two courses, Secured Transactions along with Indigenous Peoples, Art & Human Rights, a synergy emerges through “collaterization” and “valuation.” Our methodology of combining courses and students with diverging interests was designed to evoke reflections on the intersections of Indigenous law and commercial law in legal education. In closing we offer five ways in which business law classrooms might respond to the TRC recommendations

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