
The search for building-integrated PV materials with good aesthetic potential: a survey


Building-integrated photovoltaics (PV) is currently dominated by blue and black rectilinear forms. Greater variety of colour and form could lead to much better uptake of PV in the built environment, also increasing the potential for PV to be used as an artistic material. Listing the available PV technologies by colour gives a clearer picture of the current situation. An assessment of photostability, efficiency and price, for each material, indicates the materials that have the potential to fill the gaps in the colour spectrum. Use of combinations of materials that can be fabricated in different ways from the current, standardised, PV modules will further increase the possibilities for use in building integration, Extending the lifetimes of organic PV, dye-sensitised PV or luminescent solar concentrators will increase the possibilities for development of new PV products

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