Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh permainan teka-teki silangbergambar terhadap hasil bvelajar mata pelajaran IPS anak Tunagrahita Ringan kelas IV SLB . Penelitianini menggunakan metode eksperimen jenis penelitian Pre-Eksperimental Design dengan desain “OneGroup Pretest-Posttes Design”. Dilihat dari rata-rata hasil pre-test yaitu 42,66 ke rata-rata hasil posttest81,34 dapat dikatakan hasil belajarsiswa mengalami peningkatan. Berdasarkan penelitian ini dapatdisimpulkan bahwa permainan teka-teki silang bergambar berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar matapelajaran IPS anak Tunagrahita Ringan.The purpose of this study was to determine The Influence Crossword Puzzle Picture gameto Learning Outcomes of social sciences for Students with Mental Retardation Class IV In SLB B/CDharma Wanita 01 Pakisaji Malang. This research was conducted using the method of experimentalresearch type of research Pre Experimental Design. And in the study, researchers used the design “Onegroup pretest-posttest design”. Judging from the average of the pre-test is 42.66 to average 81.34 posttestresults can be said to increase student learning outcomes. Based on this study we can conclude thatthe crossword picture game effect on the Learning Outcomes of social sciences for Students with MentalRetardation