
Display, interpellation and interpretation: on the development of an artistic gossip practice, in the context of audience interactivity with Nottingham's lace heritage


This thesis raises concerns about current heritage practice regarding notions of inclusivity, the agency of audiences and the authority of heritage institutions, such as museums. Experts including Tony Bennet (1998), Graham Black (2005), and Eileen Hooper-Greenhill (1994) claim that recent developments in heritage practice have directed museums towards offering experiences that invite active, participatory viewing, rather than that which is passive, or merely receptive. Similarly, in the field of contemporary art practice Grant Kester and Claire Bishop argue the importance of audiences’ participation, inclusivity and agency to current approaches. Evidently, certain standpoints within the literature concerned with each of these fields, state an attitude of sensitivity to imbalances of power between audiences and either artistic or heritage practices. However, this thesis recognizes and demonstrates that authoritative, or hierarchical approaches to audiences exist within each field, and guided by poststructurally informed theoretical perspectives, it confronts these approaches. Moreover, this thesis claims to establish a unique, interactive and practical autoethnographic approach to artistic research, which supported by its theoretical perspectives, generates non-authoritative and democratic methods. In particular, this thesis establishes that, dialogical engagement prompted by audiences’ responses to artistic situations and aesthetic objects, results in non-authoritative, or democratic encounters with heritage and contemporary art

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