
Authoress deals with the aspect of ideology, which is at the same time its weakest and strongest point, with the appealing on »obvious«, »evident«, where »obvious« allways conceals the point at which the ideology is the most vulnerable. This fact has been already pointed out by Althusser in his analysis of functioning of ideology. Although Althusser tries to think ideology as discourse, his theory of ideology allways oscilates between two points, between ¡reductibility of ideology and the idea of »epistemological cut«, between what is within and what is beyond ideology. At this point, where Althusser is faced with serious difficulties, we can rely on Lacan's theory of four discourses, where discourse of University offers the »mathem« of what is fundamental ideological operation.Avtorica se v svojem prispevku loteva hkrati najšibkejše in najmočnejše točke ideologije, sklicevanja na »očitno«, »evidentno«, pri čemer »očitno« vselej zastira mesto, kjer je ideologija najbolj ranljiva — na kar je v svoji analizi delovanja ideologije opozoril že Althusser. Althusser ideologijo sicer poskuša misliti kot diskurz, toda njegova teorija ideologije vseskozi niha med dvema točkama, med ireduktibilnostjo ideologije in idejo »epistemološkega reza«, skratka, med tem, kar je in med tem, kar ni več ideologija. Na tej točki, kjer se Althusser znajde v slepi ulici, si lahko pomagamo z Lacanovo teorijo štirih diskurzov, pri čemer nam diskurz Univerze ponuja »matem« tega, kar je neka osnovna ideološka operacija

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