»In Vino Metaphora« is, in part, a celebration of Nietzsche's overcoming of nihilism. The affirmation of life in the will to power as the source of all value-creating activity is shown to transcend the nihilism of which Nietzsche's critics often accuse him. One of the more important forms of the will to power in this sense is intoxication or the Dionysian. In Nietzsche's early work, the Dionysian was a metaphysical and artistic principle. His later work contrasts Dionysian intoxication with other forms and the Dionysian becomes both a psychological and physiological phenomenon. The paper also compares Nietzsche's view on intoxication with those of Walter Benjamin and discusses both in relation to such phenomena as rock music and the North American experience of the nineteen sixties.»In vino metaphora« pomeni delno slavljenje Nietzschejevega preseganja nihi-lizma. Za afirmacijo življenja v voljo do moči kot izvoru vse dejavnosti, ki ustvarja vrednote se izkaže, da presega nihilizem, ki ga Nietzscheju pogosto očitajo njegovi kritiki. Ena od pomembnejših oblik volje do moči v tem smislu je intoksikacija ali dionizicno. V Nietzschejevem zgodnjem opusu je bilo dionizicno metafizično in umetniško načelo. Njegov kasnejši opus kontrastira dionizicno intoksikacijo z drugimi oblikami in dionizicno postane tako psihološki kot fiziološki pojav.
Članek tudi primerja Nietzschejeve poglede o intoksikaciji s pogledi Walter j a Benjamina ter ju obravnava v zvezi s pojavi kakršna sta rock glasba in severnoameriško izkustvo šestdesetih let