Effects of Circuit Resistance Training (CRT) for Cardiorespiratory health and fitness in persons with Paraplegia due to high thoracic spinal cord injury


The purpose of this study was to prove the safety and effectiveness of circuit resistance training in persons with high thoracic SCI. The total number of 15 subjects of age group 25-50 years diagnosed as paraplegia due to complete SCI were conveniently selected for this study. Circuit resistance training is the interventional program for this study. Metabolic and cardiac responses to exercise were continuously monitored via open-circuit spirometry and 12- lead Electro cardiography. The selected groups were given 12 weeks of circuit resistance training and examined for a period of 6 months. Before and after 12 weeks of CRT program, the pre and post training values of VO2max. and Hear rate were measured. The Paired t-test was used to compare the pre and post training values of VO2max. and Heart rate. Based on the statistical analysis the result of this study showed a significant increase in both VO2max. and Hear rate. Based on the data analysis and interpretation of VO2max. values the paired t-value of 7.89 was greater than the tabulated t-value of 2.14 at 0.05 level which showed a statistically significant difference between pre and post training values. Based on the data analysis and interpretation of Hear rate values the paired t-value of 18.69 was greater than the tabulated t-value of 2.04 at 0.05 level which showed a statistically significant difference between pre and post training values. CONCLUSION: The study showed that persons with paraplegia safely increased their endurance and muscular strength after 12 weeks of circuit resistance training. The study showed a significant increase in VO2max. and Heart rate while performing sioinertial resistance exercises after circuit resistance training program

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