Looking back, moving forward: Implementing PMTCT programs in resource-constrained settings, Horizons studies 1999 to 2007


In 1997, the Population Council initiated the Horizons Program—a decade-long USAID-funded collaboration with the International Center for Research on Women, the International HIV/AIDS Alliance, PATH, Tulane University, Family Health International, and Johns Hopkins University—designing, implementing, evaluating, and expanding innovative strategies for HIV prevention and care. Horizons developed and tested ways to optimize HIV prevention, care, and treatment programs; worked to reduce stigma and improve gender-biased behaviors; and greatly expanded knowledge about the best ways to support, protect, and treat children affected by HIV and AIDS. In all its projects, Horizons strengthened the capacity of local institutions by providing support and training to colleagues. This synthesis paper presents lessons learned and best practices on one of the key topics that Horizons investigated: prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV

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