A mobile application for getting information about movies


U ovom radu su opisani problemi koji mogu nastati prilikom implementacije aplikacija za sustav Android korištenjem programskog jezika Java 8. Kao rješenje za taj problem, detaljno je opisan radni okvir RxJava koji predstavlja implementaciju radnog okvira Reactive Extensions u programskom jeziku Java. Navedene su neke od glavnih prednosti te mogućnosti koje pruža. Za demonstraciju korištenja radnog okvira RxJava, izrađena je i dokumentirana mobilna aplikacija MovieApp za sustav Android koja u svojoj pozadini intenzivno koristi taj radni okvir. Aplikacija pruža detaljne informacije o filmovima te pravodobno obavještava korisnika o novim filmovima koji pripadaju u njegove preferirane žanrove.This thesis describes the problems that can occur during the implementation of application for Android system using Java 8 programming language. As solution for pre-mentioned problems, RxJava - that represents the implementation of Reactive Extentions framework in Java programming language - is described in details. The thesis contains description of some of the most important adventages and opportunities which it provides. For usage demonstration of the RxJava framework, it is developed and documented mobile application MovieApp for Android platform that is intensively using that framework in background. Application provides detailed informations about movies and notifies user on time about new films belonging to his preferred genres

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