Enediyne compounds in multicomponent reactions


Trokomponentna Passerinijeva i četverokomponentna Ugijeva reakcija pripadaju skupini višekomponentnih reakcija koje uključuju izocijanidnu komponentu. Do sada u literaturi nije opisana primjena ovih reakcija u sintezi spojeva s endiinskim motivom. Stoga je cilj istraživanja provedenih u okviru ove doktorske disertacije bio primjena Passerinijeve i Ugijeve reakcije u sintezi endiinskih peptidomimetika. Pripravljena su četiri aldehida s različitom duljinom alkilne razmaknice u iskorištenju 78 - 96 %. Dobiveni aldehidi korišteni su u Passerinijevoj i Ugijevoj reakciji te je sintetiziran dvadeset jedan Passerinijev produkt u iskorištenju 29 - 92 % i trideset dva Ugijeva produkta u iskorištenju 13 - 93 %. Dokazana je mogućnost postmodifikacija Passerinijevih i Ugijevih produkata. Pripravljen je jedan postmodificirani Passerinijev produkt u 50%-tnom iskorištenju te dvadeset pet Sonogashirinih produkata u iskorištenju 34 - 99 %. Ciklizacijom Sonogashirinih produkata dobiveno je šesnaest makrocikličkih spojeva s endiinskim motivom i esterskom vezom u iskorištenju 9 - 68 %.Isocyanide-based multicomponent reactions (IMCRs) include a three-component Passerini and a four-component Ugi reaction. To the best of our knowledge, multicomponent reactions haven't been utilized in the synthesis of compounds with enediyne motif. Therefore, the aim of studies carried out within the frame of this doctoral thesis was utilizing Passerini and Ugi reaction in the synthesis of enediyne peptiodmimetics. Four aldehydes with different alkyl chains were prepared in 78 - 96 % yield. The aldehydes were utilizing in the Passerini and Ugi reaction and twenty one Passerini products in 29 - 92 % yield were prepared along with thirty two Ugi products obtained in 13 - 93 % yield. The possibility of post-condensation modifications was proved. One post-modificated Passerini product in 50 % yield and twenty five Sonogashira products in 34 - 99 % yield were prepared. Cyclisation of Sonogashira products gave sixteen macrocyclic lactones with endiyne motif in 9 - 68 % yield

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