Technostress and its correlates in Craotaian workforce


Cilj ovog istraživanja bilo je predstaviti i bolje razumjeti fenomen tehnostresa kod hrvatskih zaposlenika, pri čemu se tehnostres odnosi na „negativno psihološko stanje povezano s trenutnim korištenjem ili prijetnjom korištenja informacijsko komunikacijskih tehnologija u budućnosti“ (Salanova, Lorens, Cifre i Nogareda, 2007, str. 1). U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 259 hrvatskih zaposlenika prosječne starosti 36 godina (M = 35.67, sd = 9.55) koji su ispunjavali online upitnik sastavljen od Ljestvice tehnostresa (Ragu-Nathan, Tarafdar, Ragu-Nathan i Tu, 2008), Ljestvice prihvaćanja promjena (Di Fabio i Gori, 2016), Ljestvice afektivne dobrobiti na poslu (Van Katwyk, Fox, Spector, i Kelloway, 2000) i upitnika općih podataka. Rezultati su pokazali statistički značajne razlike prema rodu, dobi i razini obrazovanja ovisno o facetama tehnostresa, pri čemu su razlike najčešće uočene kod tehno-složenosti, te su žene, stariji i niže obrazovani sudionici prijavljivali više razine tehnostresa u odnosu na muškarce, mlađe i više obrazovane sudionike. Razlike su utvrđene i za one koji pohađaju digitalne edukacije unutar radnog vremena ili rade više od 40 sati tjedno, u odnosu na one koji takve edukacije ne pohađaju, ili rade do 40 sati tjedno. Kod zaposlenika IT sektora, u odnosu na one zaposlene u ostalim sektorima, razlike su utvrđene samo kod tehno-neizvjesnosti. Dobivene su i statistički značajne negativne povezanosti gotovo svih faceta tehnostresa sa sklonosti prema promjenama i podržavanjem promjena te s ugodnim emocijama na poslu, kao i pozitivne povezanosti s neugodnim emocijama na poslu. Nalazi ovog pionirskog istraživanja mogli bi potaknuti raspravu o tehnostresu u hrvatskoj znanstvenoj zajednici te osvijestiti organizacije o mogućim zaštitnim i rizičnim faktorima u prevenciji tehnostresa.The aim of this study was to introduce the construct of technostress and better understand its presence in Croatian workforce. Within this study technostress is defined as a “negative psychological state connected with current use or future use of ICT's” (Salanova, Lorens, Cifre and Nogareda, 2007, p. 1). A total of 259 Croatian employees participated in this study with average participant age being 36 years (M = 35.67, sd = 9.55) They were asked to complete an online survey consisted of Technostress Creators Scale (Ragu-Nathan, Tarafdar, Ragu-Nathan and Tu, 2008), Acceptance of Change Scale (Di Fabio and Gori, 2016), Job Affective wellbeing Scale (Van Katwyk, Fox, Spector, and Kelloway, 2000) and finally, a short questionnaire pertaining to their work and socio-demographic characteristics. The results showed statistically significant differences on gender, age and education level that varied across the subscales with techno-complexity carrying the most prominent difference across all variables where women, older participants and those with lower education showed higher scores on that subscale as opposed to men, younger participants and those with higher education. The differences were also confirmed on some technostress subscales in regard to upskilling digital knowledge within working hours and working more or less than 40 hours per week. Participants employed in the IT sector reported higher levels of techno-uncertainty as opposed to those employed in other sectors. Also, statistically significant negative correlations were found for almost all technostress subscales in relation to predisposition to change, support for change, and high pleasure subscales, as well as positive correlations with low pleasure subscales. This study has significant implications in pioneering the research of technostress in Croatia as well as in raising awareness of potential factors in the prevention of technostress

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