
Mengintegrasikan Nilai-Nilai Lokal Dalam Pendidikan


Education is one of human culture‘s form. Culture grows and develops according to the dynamics of the times. Improvement of education needs to be done continuously and systematically. The process of education is basically a process of the development of a culture in society. Indonesia as a multicultural country, is rich in various local values (local wisdom). In every region in Indonesia, each has its own local wisdom that must be maintained. Local wisdom in every region in Indonesia has different moral, specific, and different approaches. Some of local wisdoms are greatly well introduced and embedded, so it can be used as a substance to integrate local wisdom values in education. Education with clear goals and competencies, for each subject can be integrated with the values of local wisdom in accordance with the objectives of learning. Thus, it will result in an education that has national insight and hope for cultural preservation will continue to be realized. Integrate local values in education can be done in 3 (three) ways, that is by integrating into the subjects, through nature roaming and cultural tourism. Through these activities, students are expected to realize local cultures to improve their knowledge and love of local culture in their own region. Although the development of the era continues to spin, but the younger generation does not forget its responsibility in the preservation of local culture

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