
Sumber Daya Manusia Pendidikan Dalam Menghadapi Era Industri 4.0.


Indonesia is a developing country that is facing the Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era. Many things must be changed in a country if the country wants to become a developed country. This also applies to Indonesia, especially when the level of competition is getting tougher in various sectors of our lives. From the various changes that must be made, improvement of Human Resources (HR) is one of the priorities that must be considered, especially HR in the field of Education. The worldwide Industrial Revolution 4.0 has changed the mindset and the application of educational innovation in all fields of educational programs. Therefore, all stakeholders, implementers of education in Indonesia must be able to take advantage of Information Technology advancement in developing appropriate and religious education models to produce educational human resources that are in accordance with the Industrial 4.0 Erain order to realize Indonesian people who understand Science and Technology, have Faith and Taqwa and ready to face the times. In terms of the availability of Human Resources in the field of Education to face the Industry 4.0 Era, the role of Higher Education should not be ignored, because all activities, professions, and our social life are directly related to the quality of existing Higher Education graduates. Thus, this paper is focused on how to realize Human Resources in the field of Educationin Facing the Industry 4.0 Era

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