
Experimental Evaluation of Steady-State Control Properties of an Electron-Bombardment Ion Thrustor


Examined in this report are the experimental steady-state gains, or changes, in beam-current output with changes in thrustor inputs for a 10-centimeter-diameter electron-bombardment ion thrustor. A general leveling off of beam current as a function of an input variable was found at the upper range of each variable, At the design operating point, the filament-heating current exhibited the greatest sensitivity, or percentage beam-current output change for a percentage change in the input (2 to 4). Accelerator voltage showed the least effect (0.04) while discharge voltage, magnetic field, and neutral propellant flow exhibited about the same sensitivity (0.4 to 0.5). Some effects of nonlinearity are shown that may require consideration in the design of a closed-loop control system

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