Prognosis of our cancer patients treated with palliative radiotherapy


1990-1995 yılları arasında, palyatif radyoterapi ile tedavi edilen, 142 metastatik (M1) ve 201 metastazsız (MÖ) kanser hastasının prognozu incelendi. M1 ile MÖ kanser hastaları arasında: cinsiyet, yaş ve radyoterapi (RT) program grupları dikkate alındığında, anlamlı farklılık bulunmamıştır (p>0.05); primer tümör yerleri/histolojileri açısından ise anlamlı fark saptanmıştır (p 2) göre sınıflandırıldı. Çok çeşitli tümör tipleri incelemeyi kolaylaştırmak amacıyla kabaca epidermoid tümörler (M1-128 olgu, MO-187 olgu), sarkomlar (M1-9 olgu, MO-14 olgu) adı altında iki grupta değerlendirildi. Ayrıca tümör yerleşimlerine göre, meme (M1-27 olgu, MO-13 olgu), mesane (M1-11 olgu, MO-20 olgu) ve bronş (M1-46 olgu, MO-77 olgu) kanserleri için de analizler yapıldı. Sonuç olarak, palyatif RT uygulanan, tüm MÖ hastalarımızın M1 hastalarımızdan daha iyi prognozlu olduğu gözlenmiştir (p2). For the purpose of easy analysis various tumor types were roughly evaluated under two large histologie groups as epidermoid tumors (M1, 128 cases vr MO, 187 cases) and sarcomas (M1, 9 cases vr MO, 14 cases). Also analyses were done according to tumor localizations such as primary breast (M1, 27 cases vr MO, 13 cases), bladder (M1, 11 cases vr MO, 20 cases) and lung (M1, 46 cases vr MO, 77 cases) cancers. As a conclusion we observed that our all MO cancer patients had a better prognosis than all M1 cancer patients treated with palliative radiotherapy (<0.05). Patients with MO-breast cancer/sarcoma; patients with bone m&eacute;tastases from all primaries or only from breast primaries; patients with palliative scores less than 3; and patients who responded to the treatment, appeared to have better prognosis in this study. If new treatment strategies like radiosensitization or aggressive multimodal palliative treatments are adapted, the results of these groups may improve. Palliative radiotherapy in different stages of cancer development leads to prognostic differences. How different palliative radiotherapy programs affect the prognosis and how the prognostic effect mentioned above is changed by natural prognostic differences of various tumor types are the questions to be solved . A prospective randomized study is needed for answering this question derived fom the current study

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