Catenary soil relationships in the Çukurova Region, southern Turkey


A catenary sequence from the north to the south of the Çukurova Region was studied using pedo-geomorphological criteria. The catena studied is typical for the Mediterranean coastal areas covering surfaces - geomorphic units - formed by neotectonic activity and the following processes related to pedology. Each geomorphic unit was determined to comprise soils at different stages of development. However a trend showing increase of age with increasing elevation was found from the south to the north of the region. Soils occurring on Fluvio-Marine Terraces are Mollisols and Alfisols; on the Bajadas are Vertisols, Entisols and Inceptisols; on the River Terraces are Entisols; on the Bottom Lands are Entisols, Vertisols, Inceptisols; on the Delta are Vertisols, and Inceptisols; on the Coastal sand Dunes are Entisols; and on the Uplands are Entisols and Mollisols. © 1991

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