New pelagic gastropoda species encountered on the Turkish coast of the Levant Sea


In this work, 9 species of pelagic gastropods were studied during bottom trawling and net sampling for zooplankton of Akkuyu in Erdemli and in İskenderun Bay (the northeastern Mediterranean). Among those, Pterotrachea hippocampus Phlippi, 1836, Cavolinia tridentate (Forsskal, 1775), Limacina (Munthea) trochiformis (D'Orbigny, 1836), and Corolla spectabilis (Dall, 1871) were first records for Turkish mollusk fauna, and the remaining, Atlanta peronii Lesuer, 1817, Şroloida desmarestia Lesuer, 1817, Clio pyramidata Linné, 1767, Creseis acicula Rang, 1828, and Creseis virgula Rang, 1828 were first records for the Mediterranean coast of Turkey. © TÜBİTAK

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