Nucleotide sequence of CVd-Ib and CVd-IV viroids collected from citrus gummy bark-diseased sweet orange trees in the east Mediterranean region of Turkey [Nukleotidsequenz der Zitrusviroide CVd-Ib und CVd-IV aus Citrus gummy bark erkrankten Sussorangen an der ostlichen Mittelmeerkuste der Turkei]


Two citrus viroids CVd-Ib and CVd-IV, collected from citrus gummy bark- diseased sweet orange trees in the Turkey, were amplified using RT-PCR and directly sequenced from gel-purified products by the Promega finol sequencing system. CVd-Ib, a member of the apple scar skin viroid (ASSVd) family, was determined 317 nucleotides in length and CVd-IV, a natural chimeric viroid of citrus exocortis viroid (CEVd) was found 285 nts in length. The obtained nucleotide sequences of both viroids were compared with the type strains of CV-Ib and CVd-IV previously sequenced from avocado and grapefruit in Israel

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