Systematic distribution of recent benthic foraminifera from the thermal region of Çeşme-Ilica Bay (Izmir) [©Ceşma-Ilica Koyu (Izmir) termal bölgesi güncel bentik foraminiferlerinin sistematik dagilimi]


Benthic foraminiferal content of the sediment samples from the thermal region located at the llica Bay and surroundings was taxonomically investigated. A total of 40 calcareous foraminiferal species from the 12 families and 23 genera have been described. Some thermal springs of the llica Bay and surroundings with a temperature of 42°C-62°C, set up a various ecological environment. As a result of this event, some peneroplids which are not able to carry on their life under the Aegean Sea conditions wityh a temperature of 9°C -26°C and dissolved oxygen content of 4-10 ml/l appear. These peneroplid species of Coscinospira hemprichii Ehrenberg, Laevipeneroplis karreri (Wiesner), Peneroplis pertusus (Forskal) and Peneroplis planatus (Fichtel and Moll) were abundantly found together with the Sorites orbiculus Ehrenberg and other benthic foraminifera in the area under the thermal influence

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