Religious-Sufic Symbols in Bektashi Texts Entitled “Risâle-i Su‘âl-i Hirka; Risâle Der Beyân-i Kemer ve Risâle Der Beyân-ı Post”


- Hırka, kemer ve post, dinî/mistik fonksiyonlarının yanında genelde tasavvufî cereyanlarda ve özelde de Bektâşî geleneğinde, menâkıbnâmelerinde ve merasimlerinde adından sıkça söz edilen sembolik birer unsur olarak önemli işlevler üstlenmiştir. Biz bu çaKhirkah (a long cotton/wool outer garment worn by dervishes), belt and coat (post) played an important role in Sufi movements in general and in Baktashi tradition in particular as a symbolic element frequently cited in their menakibnames and rituals besides their religious/mystic functions. In this study, we shall make a brief analysis of a treatise in a Baktashi book of âdâb as an original manuscript with the rich Baktashi culture and symbols, and deal with its symbolic interpretations. Symbolic behaviors that are wearing of khirkah , post and belt connection are rituals aiming the social solidarity and integration in Alawite-Bektashi communities. Bektashi approach which served to the environment of tolerance, embracing all people with deep tolerance was used in the purification and education of dervishes in the Bektashi tekkes. The better way to understand the Bektashi order which reached its message going beyond its formative period is to undersand the âdâbs and erkans (the customary practices) of this dervish order. By doing so, we shall try to set an example of religious approaches of Baktashi thought and tradition. At the end of the article, with regard to the Baktashi âdâb and erkan, we shall introduce transliteration and original texts of tree manuscript treatises , as manuscripts entitled Risâle-i Su’âl-i Hırka; Risâle Der Beyân-ı Kemer ve Risâle Der Beyân-ı Post

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