
The ALPINE-ALMA [C II] survey: Star-formation-driven outflows and circumgalactic enrichment in the early Universe


We study the efficiency of galactic feedback in the early Universe by stacking the [C II] 158 μm emission in a large sample of normal star-forming galaxies at 4   4. From the stacking analysis of the datacubes, we find that the combined [C II] core emission (|v|< 200 km s⁻¹) of the higher-SFR galaxies is extended on physical sizes of ∼30 kpc (diameter scale), well beyond the analogous [C II] core emission of lower-SFR galaxies and the stacked far-infrared continuum. The detection of such extended metal-enriched gas, likely tracing circumgalactic gas enriched by past outflows, corroborates previous similar studies, confirming that baryon cycle and gas exchanges with the circumgalactic medium are at work in normal star-forming galaxies already at early epochs

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