The feasibility energy analysis of catalagzi thermal electricity power plant for district heating application [ÇatalaGzi termIk elektrIk santralI Ile bÖlgesel isitma yapilabIlIrlIGIn enerjI analIzI]


In a conventional coal-fired power plant, which is only designed for electricity generation, while nearly 1/3 of fuel energy can be converted to useful energy, the other part of the energy is wasted as stack gases and cooling water of condensers. This waste energy could be recovered by modifying the plant as cogeneration system. It is possible to employ district heating by cogeneration system which generates both electricity and useful heat at the same time. In this study, Catalagzi Thermal Electricity Power Plant has been converted a cogeneration system in order to reduce waste energy amount that is transferred to the cooling water of condensers. To simply the steam extraction point, four different cycle model have been developed and the most appropriate steam extraction point has been identified. Steam extraction ratio has been increased from 0 to 0.5 in the amount of 0.05 and energetic analysis has been made for each case. The resuts have been showed that the most appropriate steam extraction point is the point that has made energy efficiency ratio maximum in power plant. © 2017 TIBTD Printed in Turkey

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