Asynchronous Electronic Feedback for Faculty Peer Review: Formative Feedback That Makes a Difference


This case study at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Daytona Beach campus (ERAU-DB) describes the process of facilitating a faculty peer observation model that uses asynchronous electronic feedback through the Teaching Partners program offered by the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence (CTLE). This practical, hybrid model of peer observation builds on practices found in current models and uses digital recording and web-based software to encourage faculty feedback that will positively impact their pedagogical practice. The results of this study suggest to truly cultivate a dialogue between faculty and/or education developer in the process, the goals should be clearly stated, the reflection should be clearly defined using the current research when possible, and the process should be modeled in practice. This comparative analysis also suggests that the hybrid model of evaluation, coupled with the implementation of video asynchronous electronic commenting system, resulted in increased faculty reflection and impacted classroom instruction

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