Sekolah Vokasi Universitas Diponegoro di Tembalang Semarang


Higher education is a level of education organized by tertiary institutions which includes academic education programs, professional education and vocational education. Vocational education itself is one of the three types of higher education programs that are currently being the focus of development for revitalization by the government in order to prepare Indonesian human resources to face the challenges of the industrial revolution era 4.0. Diponegoro University (Undip) is one of the best public universities in Indonesia that organizes three types of higher education programs, one of which is vocational education. Undip Vocational Education is under the management of Undip Vocational School which was officially established in 2016. Undip Vocational School is currently planning a transition period. During this transition, many challenges and challenges have arisen regarding the provision of inadequate lecture facilities and infrastructure. There are still a number of study programs in Vocational Schools which are at the original faculty due to lack of lecture rooms and laboratory facilities. Therefore Undip plans to build a Vocational school to improve the quality of vocational education in Undip. Based on these thoughts, the authors propose the design of the Undip Vocational School campus. The concept to be developed is green architecture. This school is located in the Undip Vocational School which is partly a forest area. The concept that will be developed is the approach of campus design theory by Pablo Campos. This approach is expected to be able to solve various problems encountered in designing a campus area

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