Web application for automatic scheduling


Internetska aplikacija za automatsko zauzeće termina, koja je provedena kroz koncept rezervacije termina pacijenata za određenu uslugu koju nude pojedini liječnici. Aplikacija je izrađena u Laravel PHP radnom okviru otvorenog tipa, baziranom na MVC arhitekturi. Svrha aplikacije jest olakšati i omogućiti što jednostavnije prijavljivanje na preglede. Pružatelji usluge se dodaju u sustav, unose usluge koje pružaju te svaka ponuđena usluga ima svoje trajanje. Korisnici usluge se registriraju, pretražuju usluge po parametrima koji im najbolje odgovaraju, te rezerviraju termin za zatraženu uslugu. Slobodni termini se generiraju pomoću algoritma, koji je glavni dio ovoga projekta. Algoritam pretražuje bazu podataka, te vraća prazan termin prije zabilježenog termina, između dva termina, ili na kraju zadnjeg termina.Internet application for automatic appointment scheduling, implemented through the concept of booking appointments for patients for a specific service offered by each doctor. The application is created in Laravel open-source PHP framework based on MVC architecture. The purpose of the application is to make signing up for a specific service easier for patients. Providers are added to the system, they add the services they provide, and each service offered has its own duration. Users register, search for services matching their parameters, and schedule an appointment for the requested service. Availiable appointments are generated through the algorithm, which is the main part of this project. The algorithm searches the database and returns an availiable appointment, before the previously existing appointment, between two appointments, or at the end of the last appointment

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