
An Initial Exploration of Improved Numerics within the Guidelines of the Negative Spalart-Allmaras Turbulence Model


A simple modification to the negative Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model is suggested so that when the turbulence working variable, ~v, is negative, diagonal dominance is increased, as is the tendency for the time-advancement scheme to push e toward positive values. Owing to the fact that the modification is only active when ~v is less than zero, the physical model is left unchanged. Using the proposed modification with a strong implicit solver based on Newton's method, convergence rates can be somewhat improved, with typical reductions in iterations and computer time on the order of 15-50%. The benefits are realized primarily when second- or higher-order accuracy is used for discretizing the convective terms in the turbulence model because of large overshoots that can occur with these schemes at the edges of boundary layers and wakes. For flowfields with few regions of negative ~v, or on very fine meshes where ~v is always greater than zero, little or no benefits should be expected

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