Group Buying Application Mobile Based with Na�ve Bayes Methods


Shopping is an activity that must be done by everyone, starting from shopping for primary, secondary, and tertiary needs. In shopping, it is better to get the cheapest price if possible. Sometimes this can be happened by buying in a large quantity, and then the price will be count as wholesale price. With the development of technology nowadays, shopping can be done online, no need to come to the store. However, by buying things online it is hard to find seller that gives wholesale price. Because of that, an application for helping user to find wholesale price is needed then, a Mobile-based Group Buying application was designed with Na�ve Bayes Methods. This application has features such as notifications, reviews and discussions, wish list, search, and join group buying to get wholesale prices for the user. The result of this application indicated that 82,5% of users considered that the application has a complete feature, 89,8% of users considered that the application has a very good design, and users considered that the application very easy to use

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