Inhibitory effect of the retinoid IIF on cancer cell invasion mediated by the down regulation of matrix metalloproteinases expression in human glioblastoma cells


The whole egg is known as nutritious food in the human diet with a wide reach due to its accessibility. It’s highly bioavailable proteins and dietary compounds, and their health-beneficial properties make the egg a potential functional food. Still, little is known about how the production and processing methods can modulate its potential health-beneficial properties. To attend the knowledge gaps, the study established objectives look to evaluate the effect of the hen breed, egg enrichment, and cooking methods. The hen breed and egg enrichment maintained overall the egg quality. Confirming the capacity of the egg industry of improving the egg nutritional quality. The cooking of different whole egg samples did not influence its digestibility but alter the peptide concentration in its hydrolysate. Similarly, the hen breed, enrichment, and cooking methods modulated the whole egg bioactivity. The antioxidant activity indicated standard White Leghorn (WLH) eggs were suitable for frying while Rhode Island Red (RIR) eggs had a higher activity when boiled irrespective of diet. RIR boiled showed the highest antihypertensive capacity, suggesting a synergistic effect. The enriched whole egg tended to a higher antihypertensive capacity. The peptide profile obtained through mass spectrometry analysis suggested the activities related to the peptide size, intensity, and structure. The study highlights empower the egg industry on adding value to the egg while educating consumers on how to obtain health-benefits from the whole egg. Advisor: Kaustav Majumde

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