In this paper, the phenomenon of aeroacoustic resonance due to the flow past a deep, circular, axisymmetric cavity with a depth much larger than its width or length is
investigated. Several representative cases of the internal
cavity geometry that involved chamfers of various lengths
of the upstream and the downstream edges of the cavity, as well as a reference case with sharp, 90° edges were analyzed. The acoustic mode shapes, as well as the distribution of acoustic particle velocity, were reconstructed using the dynamic pressure data while the flow velocity in the vicinity of the cavity opening and distribution of the
turbulent intensities, as well as shear stress over the cavity
length, were measured using digital particle image
velocimetry (PIV). This combined approach allowed to
determine the effect of chamfered edges on acoustic response of the system, evolution of the cavity free shear
layers, and on the azimuthal characteristics of the first
acoustic diametral mode of the cavity