Voluntary return to refugees: chances of peace and sustainable development?


Return does not mean that displaced persons will return to exactly the same place from which they fled. It is less the end of a cycle but rather a new beginning: that of reintegration. A post-conflict situation cannot be equated with the end of all conflict. When developing concepts, one should rather take into account that a post-conflict situation is often a transitory situation in which significant levels of violence continue to exist. IDPs often find themselves in protracted situations and are exposed to the same risks as refugees. More advocacy is needed to protect and support IDPs. The sustainability of return and peace is determined to a large extent by the participation of refugees and IDPs. It is therefore essential to actively include these populations in the strategic planning and implementation of return processes and to address their concerns and use their skills. Return and reintegration projects are usually based on a short-term approach prioritising emergency relief. Yet the negative spiral of violent conflict and displacement can only be halted by an approach in which relief and long-term development efforts are co-ordinated. The experiences and skills gained by the internally displaced in the host region can ease the process of return and have a positive effect on sustainable reintegration

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