A cross sectional study was conducted to investigate the seroprevalence of leptospirosis, and the
association between seropositivity and hepatic damage and/or renal insufficiency in dogs from
Harare urban and five selected rural areas (Kariba, Machuchuta, Malipati, Marumani and
Ndhlovu) in Zimbabwe. The awareness of dog owners on zoonotic importance of canine
leptospirosis was also studied using an interviewer-administered structured questionnaire. Sera
collected from a randomly selected dogs (both stray and communally- owned) were tested for
leptospiral antibodies using an ImmunoComb ELISA kit which detects IgG antibodies to four
pooled serovars; L. Canicola, L. Grippotyphosa, L. Icterohaemorrhagiae and L. Pomona. Data
was analyzed by calculating proportions positive and assessment of associations using a Chisquared
test. Of the 250 samples tested (116 males and 134 females), 39 (15.6%) tested positive
for leptospiral IgG antibodies. Overall, urban dogs recorded a significantly (P < 0.05) higher
seroprevalence (25%) compared to dogs from rural areas (11.2%). Urban female dogs (P < 0.05)
recorded a significantly higher seroprevalence compared to rural female dogs but there was no
significant difference between urban male (P > 0.05) and rural male dogs. No significant sex
differences were observed in seroprevalence. There was a significant association (P < 0.01)
between seropositivity and hepatic damage and/or renal insufficiency with dogs having hepatic
damage and/or renal insufficiency being approximately 2 times (RR = 1.96; 1.3 < RR< 3.0) more
likely to be seropositive. When asked on their awareness of dog zoonoses, 78.8% (119/151) of
dog owners were aware. Of the 78.8% who were aware of zoonoses in dogs, a higher proportion
(92.4%) knew rabies as a zoonotic disease in dogs compared to other named zoonoses. Other
cited zoonoses were worms (6.7%), leptospirosis (5%), brucellosis (1.7%), ringworm (0.8%) and
toxoplasmosis (0.8%). Those who named leptospirosis as a zoonotic disease in dogs were all
from the veterinary profession. The results of this study indicated that leptospirosis was present
in dogs from the selected areas in Zimbabwe, with a higher seroprevalence in Harare urban
areas. Further studies are required to determine the serovars prevalent in these and other areas in
the country. Teaching and training programmes for pet owners would improve awareness to
leptospirosis and reduce the public health risk of pet zoonoses.,University of Zimbabwe Research Board
and Council for Assisting Refugee Academics (CARA