Fibre Quality in Timothy, \u3cem\u3eFestulolium\u3c/em\u3e and Tall Fescue around First Cut


Fibre quality and available energy expressed as iNDF (indigestible neutral detergent fibre) decrease with maturity stage in timothy (Nordheim-Viken and Volden 2009). It is widely accepted that fibre quality also decreases with plant age in other forage grasses. However, climate factors such as temperature and water availability can interact with maturity stage in determining iNDF (Nordheim-Viken and Volden 2009). In the Norfor system, iNDF is an important measure of available energy in forage evaluation for ruminants (Åkerlind et al. 2011). This study examined how fibre quality in different forage grasses was affected by maturity stage and climate

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