Hip dysplasia classification and its incidence in dogs


U svijetu postoje tri glavna načina klasifi kacije kriterija za procjenu displazije kukova, a to su: FCI (Federation Cynologique Internationale), OFA (Orthopedic Foundation for Animals) i BVA/KC (British Veterinary Association / The Kennel Club). U radu su opisana sva tri načina klasifikacije. Prikazana je učestalost displazije u pojedinih pasmina pasa po stupnjevima u razdoblju od dvije godine.Around the world there are 3 scoring modes that are used: The FCI mode (Federation Cynologique Internationale), the OFA mode (Orthopedic Foundation for Animals) and BVA/KC mode (British Veterinary Association/ The Kenel Club). The paper describes three ways to classify hip dysplasia. The incidence of hip dysplasia is shown in certain breeds of dogs by its degree during the period of two years

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