Mo- and W-fiber reinforced CMCs can be easily manufactured via polymer infiltration and pyrolysis at 1300 °C (PIP)
Mo/SiCN and W/SiCN composites are light-weight in comparison to Mo/Mo and W/W composites
Mo/SiCN and W/SiCN show increased fracture strain compared to CMCs
Mo/SiCN and W/SiCN can be considered as WMCs and thus need no weak interphase
Microstructural and phase analyses have shown that Mo- and W-fibers are still present and thermally resistant in the SiCN matrix even at 1300 °C
Thermodynamical calculations strongly recommend an additional fiber coating from C-attack!
Microstructural and phase analyses have shown that Mo- and W-fibers suffer from surfacial attack, mainly by C-based materials
Applying a coating as reaction barrier (e.g. Y2O3) should provide further improvement in mechanical properties
New applications are feasible due to:
increased fracture strain
good tensile and fracture strain
high stiffness
high thermal conductivity
low thermal expansion
high thermal shock resistance
anisotropic behaviour of composite according to tailor-made desig