On the e-Process: Its Components and their Neutron Excesses


The pattern of abundances within the iron-abundance peak of the solar system is analyzed for various Cr, Fe, and Ni abundances, and a method is developed for finding the best fit to a given set of abundances with a chosen number of zones, i.e., mass contributions characterized by differing values of eta. This material can be synthesized by a superposition of e-process compositions in a low-eta region (eta = 0.003) and a high-eta region (eta = 0.065 -0.080) with at least 85% coming from the low-eta region. Addition of a third eta zone is unproductive. The applicability of the particle-poor freeze out is discussed in the light of these abundances, and the results of employing different numbers and types of zones are interpreted as an indication of the relative abundances themselves. Ejection of the low-eta zones is of great interest in gamma-ray astronomy and for empirical testing of theories of nucleosynthesis. The distribution of high zones should give important information about the formation of collapsed remnants

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