An investigation of the cognitive processes that contribute to faculty development among selected nursing educators in Michigan


The purpose of this study was to provide insight into the issue of faculty development in nursing education. A qualitative, case-study research method was used to explore cognitive processes nursing faculty engage in for developing their student teaching/learning skills. Groups as well as individuals participated in this study, and data collection involved multiple methods, including group discussions, review of faculty education records at nursing schools, interviews with directors of nursing programs, multiple individual interviews with selected participants over a period of several months, focused journal writing, and electronic discussions. Study participants consisted of 24 faculty and six administrators from six nursing programs across the lower half of Michigan. Four of the nursing programs were in community colleges, and two of the programs were in universities with baccalaureate and graduate-level educational programs that included nursing. The research participants provided rich descriptions of their development activities and their thinking about teaching and learning. The nurse educators reflected on and identified their learning needs regarding the teaching role. A model of faculty development emerged from the data that involves a process of reflection, planning, teaching, and returning to reflection within an environment that includes both supports and constraints. Implications for further research include this reflective process, advancement of the skill of thinking critically, removing barriers to growth for faculty, enhancing supports for that growth, and furthering the understanding of faculty development needs and processes

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