
A non-hedgehog solution for the chiral bag


The chiral sigma model, embedded in the chiral-bag environment, is solved by an ansatz which conserves isospin and spin separably. This chiral ansatz is treated in two ways: i) as a set of operator equations of motion solved between quark states and ii) the hamilton operator is averaged between suitable hadron states, and the equations of motion are derived for these mean fields. The second approach is completely analogous to the usual one which employs hedgehog quarks, which is also reproduced here. It turns out that the energy minimum (i.e. hadron masses) can be found with chiral quarks as well as with hedgehog quarks. Model predictions for the axial-vector coupling constant and for the nucleon magnetic moment obtained with chiral quarks are of the same quality, or better than those obtained using the usual hedgehog-based approximation

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