
Regenerative potential of mature and immature grafts derived from nasal chondrocytes in knee osteochondral defects repair


Oštećenja zglobne hrskavice su česta te pogađaju bolesnike svih dobnih skupina. Zglobna hrskavica nema krvne i limfne žile te živce pa je mogućnost njezine samoobnove minimalna. Dosadašnje metode liječenja hrskavičnih i koštano-hrskavičnih oštećenja ne uspijevaju u potpunosti regenerirati oštećeno tkivo i na mjestu oštećenja stvoriti tkivo koje će se prema strukturi i funkcijama približiti zdravoj zglobnoj hrskavici. Cilj ovog doktorskog rada je utvrditi omogućuju li autologni tkivni presadci uzgojeni iz hondrocita hrskavice nosne pregrade liječenje kompleksnih koštano-hrskavičnih ˝kissing˝-oštećenja na modelu ovce. Istraživanje je provedeno na 18 ovaca nasumično raspodijeljenih u 3 skupine. Koštano-hrskavična oštećenja zglobne hrskavice na trohleji i pateli bedrene kosti liječena su nezrelim (N-CAM) i zrelim (N-TEC) autolognim tkivnim presadcima te kolagenskom membranom Chondro-Gide. Potvrđena je morfološka razlika između dva tipa autolognih presadaka, ali nije utvrđen utjecaj zrelosti tkiva na regeneraciju koštano-hrskavičnih oštećenja. Makroskopska i histološka analiza mjesta cijeljenja pokazala je uspješnu regeneraciju koštano-hrskavičnih oštećenja 6 mjeseci nakon transplantacije oba tipa presatka i kolagenske membrane Chondro-Gide. Sva tri presatka pokazala su se jednako uspješnima u liječenju kompleksnih koštano-hrskavičnih ˝kissing˝-oštećenja.Articular cartilage damage is common in the general population and can be found in patients of all ages. Articular cartilage does not have blood vessels, lymphatics or nerves so her capacity for self-repair is minimal. Current treatment options for cartilage and osteochondral repair still have their limitation. Repair tissue that is formed after treatment is structurally and biomechanically inferior to normal hyaline cartilage. Aim of this doctoral thesis is to determine if nasal chondrocyte-based autologous cartilage grafts can repair complex osteochondral ˝kissing˝ lesions in a sheep model. The study included 18 sheep randomly assigned to 3 groups. Osteochondral defects made on the femoral trochlea and patella were treated with immature (N-CAM), mature (N-TEC) autologous cartilage grafts and collagen membrane Chondro-Gide. Morphological differences between two types of autologous grafts were confirmed but the maturity of tissue grafts did not impact the repair of osteochondral lesions. Validated macroscopic and histological scoring systems were used to assess the repair of osteochondral lesions. The successful osteochondral repair was confirmed 6 months after the treatment with autologous cartilage grafts and collagen membrane Chondro-Gide. Neither of the implants showed superiority in the treatment of complex osteochondral ˝kissing˝ lesions

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