
Cooperative differential space-time spreading for the asynchronous relay aided CDMA uplink using interference rejection spreading code


Abstract—This letter proposes a differential Space–Time Coding (STC) scheme designed for asynchronous cooperative networks, where neither channel estimation nor symbol-level synchroniza-tion is required at the cooperating nodes. More specifically, our system employs differential encoding during the broadcast phase and a Space–Time Spreading (STS)-based amplify-and-forward scheme during the cooperative phase in conjunction with inter-ference rejection direct sequence spreading codes, namely Loosely Synchronized (LS) codes. Our simulation results demonstrate that the proposed Cooperative Differential STS (CDSTS) scheme is ca-pable of combating the effects of asynchronous uplink transmis-sions without any channel state information. Index Terms—Asynchronous cooperation, cooperative diversity, differential space–time spreading, loosely synchronized codes. I

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