
The importance of organizational culture for the performance of service organizations


Nedvomno je organizacijska kultura kot notranja zavest determinanta vedenja zaposlenih in pomemben fenomen znanstvenega proučevanja, predvsem z vidika potencialnega dejavnika razvijana konkurenčne prednosti organizacij. V prispevku obravnavamo nekatere vidike kulture organizacije in ugotavljamo, ali ustrezna usmerjenost in moč organizacijske kulture pomembno prispevata k učinkovitemu uresničevanju ciljev v organizacijah ter doseganju večje poslovne uspešnosti. Posebej osvetljujemo pomen organizacijske kulture v storitvenih organizacijah, v katerih je človeški dejavnik zaradi narave storitev ključni tvorec t. i. "mehkih sestavin" ponudbe, ki dandanes vse bolj pomenijo neizčrpen vir konkurenčnega pozicioniranja na trgu.Organizational culture as an internal consciousness of organizations as well as crucial determinant of their employee behaviour serves undoubtedly as an important phenomenon of scientific research especially from the perspective of its contribution to the performance of organizations as potential factor of their comperatitive advantage. In the paper authors discuss some aspects of organizational culture and try to find out if the right orientation and the strenght of organizational culture contribute signifficantly to the efficient realization of organizational objectives and to overall effectiveness. Special attention is paid to the importance of culture in service organizations employees as the creators of so called soft elements of the offers play decisive role in customer perception of the offers value and at the time serve as the key generator of the competitive positioning of service organizations

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