Direct observation of defect modes in molecular aggregate analogues (dataset)


asymmetric.csv - Measured data for the resonator chain transitioning from BA to AB. A column is frequency, E is S21 magnitude and F is S21 phase. Other columns are not used in the paper. Data is used in figure 7 panels b and c symmetric.csv - Measured data for the resonator chain transitioning from AB to BA. A column is frequency, E is S21 magnitude and F is S21 phase. Other columns are not used in the paper. Data is used in figure 7 panels a and c Aterm.csv - Measured data for the resonator chain that terminates with an A cell. A column is frequency, E is S21 magnitude and F is S21 phase. Other columns are not used in the paper.Data is used in figure 6 panel a Bterm.csv - Measured data for the resonator chain that terminates with an B cell. A column is frequency, E is S21 magnitude and F is S21 phase. Other columns are not used in the paper.Data is used in figure 6 panel b Molecular aggregates paper plots.ipynb - Jupyter notebook to plot figures 6 and 7. Coded in Julia 1.1 SSH_model.ipynb - Jupyter notebook to plot figure 2. Coded in Python 3.7The article associated with this dataset is available in ORE at: this work we investigate defect modes localised at the ends and within the bulk of 1D metamaterial analogues of molecular aggregates. The study is undertaken in the microwave regime, where the cm scale of the metamaterial analogue provides an opportunity to directly probe the modes deep within their near-fields in ways not easily achieved in molecular systems. To demonstrate the power of this approach we compare our observations to predictions from a simple Su, Schrieffer and Heeger (SSH) model, and find good qualitative agreement.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)European Research Council (ERC

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