
La obra de una Docta puella (Tibul. Carmina III 13-18)


The aim of this paper is to make notice that there was a generation of women who wrote poetry in the late years of the Republic of Rome and the first years of the Empire. To achieve this aim, is evaluated women education and rights in that period, and to understand why we have little knowledge of these women it is also analysized the transmission of texts.El prop\uf3sito de este art\uedculo es resaltar que existi\uf3 una generaci\uf3n de mujeres que escibieron poes\ueda en la \ue9poca tardo-republicana en Roma. Para conseguirlo, se examina la educaci\uf3n que recib\uedan y los derechos que ten\uedan en ese per\uedodo, y para entender por qu\ue9 no se conocen bien estas mujeres se analiza la transmisi\uf3n textual

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