


Većina građevina kulturne ili graditeljske baštine su zidane zgrade koje su izgrađene najčešće od kamenih ili opečnih zidnih elemenata povezanih mortom, a zidane su prije postojanja znanja i propisa o protupotresnom građenju. Kompleksnost sanacije povijesnih građevina uvjetuje nekompatibilnost tradicionalnih i novih gradiva te poštivanje njihovog izvornog postojanja, zbog čega se ne preporučuje ni uporaba armiranog betona. U radu je opisana inovacijska metoda ojačanja povijesnih građevina tehnikom postavljanja kompozitnih polimera te prednosti navedene tehnike u odnosu na tradicionalne metode ojačanja i njezina primjena na postojećim građevinama.Most buildings of cultural or architectural heritage are masonry buildings constructed mostly of stone or brick walls. Those kinds of buildings were built before the existence of seismic knowledge and regulations. The complex issue of rehabilitation of historic buildings is based on incompatibility of traditional and new materials as well as on the necessity to preserve the original appearance of these buildings. The use of reinforced concrete is not recommended in rehabilitation of historical buildings. This paper will describe the innovative method of reinforcement of historic buildings with composite polymer technology and the advantages of the aforementioned technique compared to some traditional reinforcement methods and its application to existing buildings

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